Bridal Wreath Spirea (Spiraea prunifolia)

MARCH 2, 2024. This week I took this one out of the bulb pot and found an astonishing web of circling roots all along the bottom and sides of the pot. Crazy tangled web that I had to chop through with hedge clippers before I could begin to comb them out. I also cut back the top growth and trimmed the roots I left to put this in a Byron Myrick semi-cascade I bought years ago. I’m sorry that I gave the Tosui pot to Doug last year, because I’d like to have it back now. I’m sure Doug will make better use of it than I did, and he told me he’s never had a pointed pot. 

APRIL 3, 2023. Today I moved this one into a six or seven inch bulb pot I’ve had sitting around for a while. I just want it to grow a bigger trunk for a year or two before I put it back in the Tosui pot. I liked it that way, and I want to make it better. TeeHee.

MARCH 7, 2023. I put a plant from Lowe’s in this Tosui pot last year, almost as a gag. We had enjoyed a bonsai Zoom meeting about pot selection and I had mentioned not knowing what to put in a very elaborate pot. I thought a flowering bonsai would be a great choice, while others had “better” ideas. I guess I needed to actually do it to see what really looked good. Here it is. It’s way too small and young for a pot, but that’s what I did anyway. And the soil around here is far too sorry to try to grow it out first!

Anyway, I think the experiment shows that it will work this way. The delicacy of the flowers and the plain color and shape of the plant itself make a nice contrast with the elaborate painting on the pot. But they complement one another IMHO.

But what do I know?