Porcelain Berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata)

October 26, 2023

JANUARY 16, 2024. AKA Amur peppervine. Native to East Asia, invasive in some places in the US, and found in the wild in Alabama. Persistent little vine. It’s a member of the grape family, climbs around and latches onto things with tendrils, and the word “Amur” in the name makes me think it’s related to maples. The leaf shape might have influenced that, though.

I bought this one from John at the 2023 ABS Show for $125. I really love the fruit, and I don’t have a cascade yet. Then I discovered over the summer that the birds love the fruit as well. I had a few ripen and turn color, but for the most part each little berry lasted only a day or two at the most. Next summer I’ll throw bird netting on the bench. At least I got a photo of the leaves when they turned. The birds/chipmunks/squirrels left those alone 🙂

This year I’ll prune and regulate some of the wild growth to move it toward a single primary trunk with lots of branches, like the one I saw at Stuart Tieszen’s over the summer. John said I really need to repot it this year. The roots are large and strong and could break the pot in another year, so that’s a “must do” when it wakes up..